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The Case Study Sprint is a 30-day sprint with done-for-you support followed by 5 months of coaching and Case Study Reviews.

We’ll create a Case Study Collection System where you’ll consistently receive progress and case study results from your clients so you can publish high-converting case study content every single month that quickly gives your offer the credibility to become the must-join offer in your industry.  

Collect client case study results and publish at least one written or interview case study in 7 to 30 days

You’re highlighting your approach, answering FAQs, addressing objections, and sharing wins, but you’re not addressing the biggest fear every single one of your potential clients has: 

“This won’t work for me because….”

Even when your potential clients have 100% conviction that you have an incredible solution that gets undeniable results for your clients, they still fear it’s not going to work for them because they think they have different circumstances, challenges, obstacles, and situations than your successful clients.

When you’re not showcasing client case studies at all or you’re not sharing the right data and context in your case studies, your potential clients don’t have the evidence they need to believe they can be successful, even when you have dozens of results on your sales page. 

The only reason a right-fit client doesn’t buy is because they don’t believe your approach will work for them.

It’s not enough use screenshots, show a list of client results, or testimonials. 

This is because the result itself isn’t what converts — it’s the context around who achieved that result that does. 

Case study content gives potential clients the story that shows your offer creates results for clients exactly like them, building confidence that they can have success with your offer, making it an obvious-yes to join. 

Shorten the time it takes to convert cold leads to clients with instant credibility

Convert the types of discerning buyers who don't invest in offers without seeing case studies 

Provide the transparency that converts "perfect-fit, dream clients," who you are able to help achieve meaningful results inside of your offer

The case study content I guide you to create will...

Increase the conversion rate of every aspect of your marketing from sales calls to webinars and launches

Increase the conversion rate of every aspect of your marketing from lead magnets to sales calls and webinars 

Charge more than others in your niche with results no one else can claim

Get more resigns and referrals because clients can see what progress they've made

Sell your offer with full-body conviction knowing that it gets the majority of clients results 

Our approach for a high-converting case study strategy

You will always make sales when you’re showcasing results that potential clients can see are possible for them to achieve. 

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Full-Service Content Strategy

Every Detail Managed

Create a Case Study Collection System to Encourage the Majority of Your Clients Sharing Progress, Wins, and Case Studies 

Develop a Case Study Collection System that teaches clients what specifically they should be tracking related to the goal of your offer (even if it’s an intangible offer), how to do that, and when and how to share that information with you.

You’ll gather the right data from the moment they join through the moment they achieve the Offer Goal so you can tell client stories with the right context to inspire more right-fit clients to convert. 

This system includes 3 layers of consent for you to use their case studies so they know exactly what they’re agreeing for share, how it will be used, and what specifically they credit you to helping them achieve.

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Full-Service Content Strategy

Every Detail Managed

Consistently Publish High-Converting Written Case Study Content to Showcase More Results More Often (No Interviews Required) 

Potential clients want to see it’s not just outliers that are experiencing results, but the majority of your clients that achieve the Offer Goal (and they want to see multiple people like them experiencing results).

You’ll be guided on how to create 4 types of case study content that don’t require you to do an interview to use across your marketing like your email, social media, and blog.  

This allows you to quickly start publishing more case study content in a month than you have been all year. You’ll be able to showcase a variety of results and clients, even if you have a handful of clients who haven’t yet achieved the Offer Goal. 

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Full-Service Content Strategy

Every Detail Managed

Layer in Long-Form Case Study Interviews to Convert Right-Fit Clients Faster

When a case study interview is structured properly, it can overcome multiple objections, answer several questions, and speak to more of our potential clients’ problems and desires. 

That shortens the time it takes for them to feel confident and ready to invest in your offer.

It would take multiple pieces of content, scheduled across multiple days and weeks to convey those same insights in short-form content like social and email. 

It’s the combination of short-form case study content and long-from interviews that increase your conversion rate. 

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Full-Service Content Strategy

Every Detail Managed

Leverage Your Clients Case Studies to Make All of Your Marketing More Effective and Increase Your Conversion Rate

The Case Study Leverage Ecosystem ensures your client results are used across all of your marketing so you’re client stories can both attract and convert more right-fit clients, and not just stay hidden on your sales page and sales sequence. 

This ensures you’ve creating multiple opportunities to get your case studies in front of your right-fit potential clients, giving them more alignment and confidence in your offer from the moment they discover you and reinforce who the offer is for and what’s possible for them every step of the way. 

Every single marketing strategy will become more effective and you’ll notice your sales increase from all of your marketing because of it.

Case Study Sprint

The Case Study Sprint is a hybrid offer that includes done-for-you support, coaching, and curriculum so you can consistently receive client results and grow a collection of high-converting case study content that increases right-fit conversions. 

I’ll create or revamp your client case study collection system and develop your unique case study interview questions so you know you’re collecting the right data and asking the right questions. 

Within 30 days, you will have...
✔ Collected case study results from current and past clients
✔ Set up your new Case Study Collection System
✔ Published at least 1 piece of case study content 
✔ and maybe even converted your first client from your case study content 

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I’ll identify the specific questions you need to ask on your onboarding, progress, and case study forms so you’re collecting the right information that your right-fit clients need to hear from you in order to buy and build them for you.

We’ll kick off with a Case Study Strategy call where we’ll identify the stories we need to tell to answer your potential clients’ objections and fears.

We’ll also conceptualize your Case Study Collection System that teaches your clients what specifically they should be tracking related to the goal of your offer (even if it’s an intangible offer), how to do that, and when and how to share those results. 

Case Study Strategy Session 

Case Study Collection System to Get the Majority of Your Clients Submitting Progress, Wins, and Case Studies

You’ll be able to submit any piece of content that features your client results for a video-based review to ensure you’re positioning your results effectively. 

Plus you'll have access to ask questions and receive any additional coaching and support you need via Slack. 

Receive customized case study interview questions that structure the interview for you that makes sense and ensure you’re framing the questions properly to get the best responses and pull quotes from your clients. 

Customized Case Study Interview Questions to Shape Effective Client Stories

Client Result 
Content Reviews & Slack Support

Learn how to best plan, create, and leverage your case studies to become the #1 reason your clients enroll in your offer. 

High Converting Case Study Curriculum to Guide You Through How to Consistently Collect and Publish High-Converting Case Study Content 

  1. Collect Your Current & Past Client Results
  2. Set Up Your Case Study Collection Systems
  3. Consistently Create Case Study Content
  4. Create and Promote Case Study Interviews to Convert Faster
  5. Track Your Case Study Results
  6. Bonus: Leverage Your Client Results to Increase Your Conversion Rate

A transformational and psychedelic guide enrolled 2 perfect-fit clients within a week of publishing her first case study after being in a 4-month sales slump. Both clients said it was that case study that got them to sign up. They both went on to re-enroll into other programs. Those clients created 5-figures in sales from that case study alone. 

5-figures in sales from 1 case study after a 4-month sales slump 

A dietitian had more than 70% of 100+ members of her program cited one of her case studies as the reason for buying in the year she added case studies to her content alone.

She still uses these case studies in her marketing for her program 4 years later.  

70% of clients cited a case study as a reason they joined  

Every single one of my video podcast clients who shared their results got their first sale from their show from a case study episode (many seeing multiple sales from their very first case study)

Case studies are consistently the highest-converting piece of content for my clients







Since my very first job working in content marketing in 2015, I knew I needed to do interviews with successful clients in order for me to understand who the ideal client is, come up with content ideas, and effectively attract and convert right people. (I thank my background in journalism for giving me that idea).  

These case study interviews not only were filled with all of the messaging points I needed for every message we would create across my clients' marketing and sales systems, but they also have consistently been the highest-converting content for all my clients at every level of business. 

But I've witnessed people making mistakes in their case studies that are making them less effective than they should be. Knowing how invaluable these interviews are, I knew I needed to support more experts with telling the right stories that inspire the right people to take action and buy so they can transform more lives with their work. 

Hey there!
I'm Jocelyn Montemarano


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You'll integrate your new Client Case Study Collection System into your offer and roll it out to your clients so they know what it is and how to use it (plus why they will want to).

Within a month, you will have collected several clients' progress results to begin using in your content. 

Roll Out your New Client Case Study  Collection System


You'll receive a specific collection form for your current and past clients to send to them within a week of your strategy session so you can collect their results as soon as possible.

This will give you progress and full offer goal results so you can get your first piece of case study content published in as little as 7 to 30 days. 

Collect & Publish Current/Past Client Case Studies within 7-30 Days  


You’ll schedule your Case Study Strategy Session where we'll collaborate on your case study strategy.

After the kickoff, I’ll work behind-the-scenes to develop custom Case Study Collection system to collect the right data and build them for you.  

I’ll also map out your case study interview questions so it’s structured and guided to get the right responses. 

Case Study Strategy Call


You’ll fill in a questionnaire with the details about one of your signature offers that will help me understand the client success stories we need to tell and how to shape them. 

Complete a Pre-Work Questionnaire



Now that your clients are submitting their progress and offer goal results, you'll be able to consistently publish case study content every month. 

You'll combine written and interview style case studies, using the 4 different types of case study content you can create to ensure you're featuring your client results as often as possible to provide more evidence and transparency for your offer. 

Consistently Create Case Study Content Every Month


Clients only invest in an offer for results. 

Make it impossible for them to question whether they will experience results in your offer. 

The Case Study Sprint is for one of your offers, but you can "add on" additional offers at a discounted rate. 

You can add on the Case Study Strategy for additional offers for $1,500 and we’ll book a separate sprint day for each additional offer.

I have more than one offer. Can we create a case study strategy for all of them?

You don’t need to have a podcast or an active YouTube channel! I’ve worked with multiple clients in the past who have converted from their case studies without either. 

You’ll upload these to YouTube and embed on your blog to host the full-length interview which you can then share with your audience on any channel. 

You’ll be taught how to write case study emails, social content, and sales page copy. 

I don’t have a podcast or YouTube channel. How would I use my case study interviews? 

You should have 5 happy clients that experienced a result from working with you that you believe would be open to sharing their story before signing up. 

That way, you have a cushion in case someone declines to be interviewed. 

It’s okay if their results are very different from each other or they haven't achieved the full offer promise yet. 

However, if you don’t have 5 clients you have gotten any type of results for your offer, this isn’t the right time for this offer. 

How many clients do I need for this to be the right time for this offer? 


Yes! The majority of the clients I’ve supported with case studies aren’t in a B2B niche.

I’ve worked with clients like a psychedelic guide, dietitian, wealth planning, and leadership coaching to name a few. 

Case studies created direct clients for each of them and they were able to find more clients then they expected to talk about their personal stories, even when it was sensitive topic. 

 I’m not in a B2B niche / my offer promise is intangible — will case studies work for me?

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Due to the nature of the done-for-you work and digital curriculum, there are no refunds. 

If you're not sure whether or not you'd be a good fit for The Case Study Sprint, simply apply and book a discovery call. On that call, I'll ask you a few additional questions to ensure you have what you need to be successful in this offer and answer any questions you have. 

If you're not a great fit right now, I'll let you know that and refer you to anyone who might have an offer for what you're needing right now.  

What is your refund policy?

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The most supportive way you can make aligned sales — sales that benefit both your business and also attract the right-fit clients who can experience a transformation in your offer — is to use your current clients' stories.

You'll show your potential clients what is possible for them while also being transparent about who is getting results and the types of results they're experiencing. 

Let Your Best Clients Become Your Best Sales Strategy

