Consistently publish case study stories that increase your client conversions on the marketing channels you’re already using and turn your signature offer into an industry best seller.
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You’re converting clients, but you’re working for it — you need to have sales calls or lengthy DM convos that reassure them they’re a right-fit
You’re growing your list, but it feels like your potential clients need to read 4 novels worth of emails over the course of months before they buy.
You’re hovering around the same amount of clients every launch or evergreen month
People are going through your evergreen funnel but you’re barely getting anyone to convert immediately
You feel like you’ve said everything you could possibly say to enroll clients, yet your have lurkers who still haven’t jumped on your offer even though you know its soooo good.
Break through your launch or evergreen plateaus because your library of case study stories makes your offer the obvious pick
Have strangers checking out faster than Rebecca Yarro’s next release — without them needing to ask you a ton of questions in the DMs or on a sales call to see if it’s a right fit for them
Have more clients referring people to you than people who have told you to read one of Emily Henry’s books
Build a reputation for results that makes you the trusted choice for the most lucrative collaborations and visibility opportunities
And ultimately turn your offer into an industry best seller that flies off the shelf
Case studies tell the story that shows your offer creates results for clients just like them.
That’s what builds instant credibility, overcomes their biggest hesitations about joining, and increases your conversions with even the coldest leads.
Without the right case studies, potential clients aren’t seeing themselves as the type of person who can experience those results.
And if they don't see that, they won't ever buy.
Conversion Context
The details that your potential clients relate to that overcome their fears and objections to joining with evidence that your offer works for clients just like them
Client Case Study Stories
Share four types of case study stories that provide evidence to potential clients that your offer will work for people just like them
Collection System
The client data and insights you need to be capturing from start to finish to provide the details needed in your stories that will convert
Trackable Offer Goal
Your Offer Goal needs to be trackable (even if you don't have a metric to track) so there is an easily identifiable moment when clients know they've achieved it.
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We'll immediately refine your offer's primary result to ensure it's a result your potential clients deeply want and will invest in without hesitation.
This will allow you to track the right information from your clients so you can collect results that show the majority of your clients achieve this result.
You’ll create your collection system that will allow you to regularly receive results from clients from the moment they join through them achieving the offer goal so you have more results to use in your marketing.
Plus it will all be in one place so you can pull it up, have every detail you need (including consent from your client), and be able to create case study stories in minutes.
You’ll learn how to create the 4 different types of case study stories and how to know exactly what Conversion Context is needed to inspire right-fit clients to join your offer.
You’ll be guided step-by-step through each part of the story and how to adapt it for emails, social posts, and blogs so you can share these stories anywhere you show up.
Present your case studies in short features on your sales page so you can convert your hottest leads. You’ll have headline formulas, blurb templates, and design recommendations for how to present them in a way that quickly gets dream clients hitting the “join now” button.
Discover how to use the client data and insights you gather in your collection system to inform your messaging and content ideas.
Plus learn how to integrate client stories into every type of content you create on any channel to add credibility and emotion to your content.
Convert right-fit clients faster using video and/or audio interviews that provide a more in-depth story of what it’s like to be inside of your offer. You’ll know exactly what to include in each interview, how to make them valuable to both potential and current clients, and how to get clients to watch or listen to them.
You’ll be able to submit any piece of content that features your client results for review to ensure your stories will resonate with your dreamiest clients.
These aren't your average Q&A call. Action Calls combine a bit of teaching to ensure what you’ve learned is integrated plus time to implement to stay accountable.
You can pop your questions in at anytime to receive coaching support between Action Calls
When you increase your conversions by 20% from case studies, you’ll be added to the Best Seller List and gain access to bonus trainings that will help you leverage your client stories even more to create more results.
You’ll receive guidebooks that break it down each of the the 4 different types of case studies for email and social, blogs, interviews and sales page features. Plus GPTs are coming soon to help you create these even faster!
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This is best for high-ticket offers like group coaching programs, masterminds, 1:1 coaching, done-for-you services (retainers, intensives, or projects), and courses.
I've worked with clients in both B2B and B2C niches. I've supported clients creating case studies on all channels including email, social, YouTube, podcasts, and webinars. And I've supported clients with audience sizes of under 500 to over 500k.
All of them experienced results directly (and indirectly) from their case study content.
Yes! The majority of the clients I’ve supported with case studies are not in a B2B niche and don’t have a single metric like sales that’s trackable.
It’s actually even more important to leverage case study stories when you don’t have a metric-based goal because it’s not as easy to showcase your results.
I have 4 different options for how to capture before, during, and after data depending on your unique offer goal and offer model.
I’ve worked with clients like a psychedelic guide, dietitian, Bar exam coach, and leadership coach to name a few.
Case studies created direct clients for each of them and they were able to find more clients then they expected to talk about their personal stories, even when it was sensitive topic.
Just tracking a metric, asking for feedback, or seeing what progress they’ve made in the program doesn’t give you the information for a case study.
I’ve had several clients come to me with tracking systems in place, but they weren’t designed to specifically gather the context that’s needed from clients to tell case study stories.
You'll be guided on how to update your current tracking system to integrate the right forms and questions so you're collecting what you need specifically to craft case study stories.
If you're just getting started in business, I recommend having at least 5 clients in your new offer who have achieved the Offer Goal or made substantial progress towards it.
If you are an established coach or service provider who has already gotten great results and sold dozens of clients into another, this would be effective to set up for a brand new offer as well as your established offer.
The weekly, live Action Calls are currently at 9 a.m. MST (subject to change at anytime), accommodating many time zones across USA and Europe.
If you can’t attend the live calls, you can access coaching support inside Slack (M-F) and get coaching on anything you need within the program.
You can also submit all of your content for review, and receive feedback within 72 hours or less.
I'd love to answer any questions that will help you discern if this is a right-fit for you!
You can send me a written or voice message on Instagram at @scaleyourresonance.
I also recommend watching my free training as the training as well as the email sequence answer the most common questions!
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